This course is designed for all employees whose work exposes them to risks and hazards from the handling of welding equipment, and the process of welding itself.
The course illustrates and explains the safe working practices to be followed for all welding tasks.
Basic fire safety is also covered.
Course Modules:
- Fire Safety – (25 mins) – Fire is one of the main dangers from any welding or cutting operation. This section of the course raises awareness of the risks of fire and the controls and precautions which are necessary to ensure both personal safety and the safety of the work place.
- Fumes And Gases – (15 mins) – Describes the hazards of the different fumes and gases encountered during welding operations. Also covers the symptoms and procedures for dealing with victims of fume and gas inhalation.
- Personal Safety – (15 mins) – Describes the personal protective equipment used in welding. Also considers other safety measures that can be implemented to minimise the risk of injury from welding and associated hazards.
- Safety In Work Areas – (15 mins) – Highlights the correct procedures for the handling and storage of gas cylinders. Considers the hazards associated with welding in different work areas (e.g. confined spaces).
- The Safe Use Of Equipment – (15 mins) – Examines in detail the maintenance and careful handling of welding equipment.
- Self Test – (15 mins) – Twenty questions to test the student’s understanding of the course. Results are stored for later retrieval by training supervisors.
The average course completion time is one hour 40 minutes.